Those operating in the produce sector are faced with a number of challenges when it comes to the manufacturing process, namely frequent line changeovers and continuous change in product variations.
Paramount Packaging Systems offer the fastest flow wrapping machines on the market for fresh produce manufacturers that tackle these common obstacles. Our range of Fuji systems ensure optimum product shelf life, food safety and freshness throughout.

Key features
Future proof for sustainable packaging – Industry proven Fuji technology will allow for a seamless transition to eco-friendly recyclable and compostable films with no additional parts
High speed box motion sealing – allowing for flexibility to handle loose, large produce through Fuji’s unique centre seal and patented B16 box motion end seal systems
Specially designed for the Produce industry – versatile and robust, using the latest technology and with unrivalled low cost of ownership and minimal maintenance
Easy to use – wide full colour touchscreen, toolless rapid product changes and digitised settings allow for simple operation
Pack styles
This industry is compatible with the following pack styles.
Flow Bag
Linked Packs
Block Bottom Gable Top
This industry is compatible with the following machines.